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  • Yangzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance took multiple measures to implement the policy of stabilizing posts and assisting enterprises during the epidemic

    Release time: 2020-03-13 Source: Provincial Department of Finance Views:

    First, we will implement the phased reduction policy。Reduce or exempt enterprise insurance premiums for old-age care, industrial injury, unemployment, and medical insurance。From February to June 2020, the three social insurance unit contributions of small, medium and micro enterprises will be exempted, and the three social insurance employer contributions of individual industrial and commercial households insured by their units will be exempted。From February to April 2020, the payment of three social insurance units, such as large enterprises, private non-enterprise units, social organizations, and other insured units (excluding organs and public institutions), will be halved。It is expected that the city will reduce social insurance premium 27.36亿元。

    Second, we will increase the return of unemployment insurance to keep jobs stable。The implementation of the stable post return policy for difficult enterprises will be extended to the end of December 2020, and unemployment insurance premiums can be returned to insured enterprises that do not lay off employees or lay off fewer employees last year。For service enterprises that are heavily affected by the epidemic, such as wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering, logistics and transportation, and cultural tourism, and insist on no layoffs or few layoffs, they can give unemployment insurance stabilization subsidies for three months according to the standards of enterprises in difficulty。Enterprises that meet the conditions and stabilize the return amount of less than 10,000 yuan shall implement simple procedures and return them after comparison through information technology。The introduction of the stable post return policy will increase unemployment compensation spending by 60 million yuan, and the current municipal finance has returned 13.67 million yuan。

    Third, we will increase support for vocational training subsidies。According to the current situation, strengthen the vocational skills training model of "online learning + offline practical training", guide enterprises to organize employees to learn skills through the Internet training platform, and then implement on-site practical training after the epidemic is lifted。Enterprise employees participate in subsidized vocational training, obtain junior worker, intermediate worker, senior worker, technician, senior technician certificate, respectively according to 1000 yuan, 1500 yuan, 2000 yuan, 3000 yuan, 4000 yuan standard to give training subsidies。

    Fourth, we will actively subsidize employment services。During the epidemic period, human resources service agencies that recruit workers to work in key enterprises that meet the requirements, sign a new labor contract and pay social insurance for at least two months, shall provide employment service subsidies at the rate of 200 yuan per person;For those who successfully recruit more than 20 people (including), a subsidy of 400 yuan/person will be given。After the end of the epidemic, for human resources service agencies to provide services for registered unemployed people to achieve employment, sign a labor contract for more than 1 year and pay social insurance premiums for more than 3 months in accordance with the regulations, eligible people are given employment and entrepreneurship service subsidies according to the standard of 100 yuan per person, and the same person is not allowed to apply twice。

    Fifth, we will provide one-time subsidies for job creation。Small and medium-sized enterprises that employ laid-off and unemployed people and migrant workers who have been registered as unemployed for more than six months, sign labor contracts for more than one year and pay social insurance premiums according to regulations will be given a one-time employment subsidy at the standard of 1,000 yuan per person until December 31, 2020。  

    In the next step, the Yangzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance will work with relevant departments to refine policies and measures related to reducing the burden on enterprises such as social insurance premiums, strengthen policy interpretation, and ensure that all policies are effective as soon as possible。